Poll: Most Americans say Trump is doing a poor job at diplomacy

A new CNN/SSRS poll finds wide disagreements over key issues, including immigration, climate change and the treatment of women.

• The poll finds close divisions on various issues, including one issue that has grabbed the attention of high profile politicians: Whether a Republican or a Democrat is best positioned to handle immigration. Thirty-four percent of Americans believe a Republican would be better, while 35% pick a Democrat.

• When it comes to climate change, there’s a partisan divide of 38% to 29%. Overall, 62% say they are somewhat or very concerned about global warming, but when asked about specific issues related to climate change, Trump’s Twitter feed makes up the top climate issue for half of the people who say they’ve heard about it in the last year.

• Americans are also divided on the handling of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, with 36% saying either a Republican or a Democrat would do better at handling that issue.

• Just 19% of Americans say they are very or somewhat optimistic about the direction of the country today. At this time last year, just 16% said the country was headed in the right direction.

• And there’s a polar opposite level of optimism when it comes to the economy: Just 23% say they’re very or somewhat optimistic, compared to 75% who say they’re very or somewhat concerned.

The poll was conducted after President Trump’s comments about the pre-election conduct of adult film actress Stormy Daniels were made public. However, the poll was conducted before that controversy erupted.

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